【Learn Chinese】Chinese Lesson: Soccer

The biggest Sport event worldwide at the moment is the Football World Cup (世界杯 – shì jiè bēi). In America, it’s called soccer, but the rest of the world knows this sport as football (足球 – zú qiú).
To help you talk about this huge event with your Chinese colleagues or friends, here are 25 useful vocabulary words for talking about soccer/football in Chinese:
教练 (jiào liàn) = coach
球员 (qiú yuan)  = player
守门员 (shǒu mén yuan) = goalkeeper
球场 (qiú chǎng) = pitch/field
前场 (qián chǎng) = front field
中场 (zhōng chǎng) = midfield
后场 (hòu chǎng) = backfield
救球 (jiù qiú) = save
队长 (duì zhǎng) = captain
开球 (kāi qiú) = kick-off
点球 (diǎn qiú) = penalty kick
角球 (jiǎo qiú) = corner kick
任意球 (rèn yì qiú) = free kick
带球 (dài qiú) = dribbling
传球 (chuán qiú) = passing
射门 (shè mén) = shooting
头球 (tóu qiú) = header
掷界外球 (zhí jiè wài qiú) = throw-in
铲球 (chǎn qiú) = tackle
裁判 (cái pàn) = referee
黄牌 (huáng pái) = yellow card
红牌 (hóng pái) = red card
半场 (bàn chǎng) = half time
全场 (quán chǎng) = full time
越位 (yuè wèi) = offside