【Learn Chinese】Learn 4 Chinese Sentence Final Particles (Part 2)

Sentence-final particles are small words or sounds that you add at the end of a sentence in Chinese. They can help convey a specific tone, emotion, or meaning.
In part two of our article, we cover two more of the most common particles and show you how to use them effectively.
3. 啊 (a)
The particle 啊 (a) is often used to convey a sense of urgency, exclamation, or excitement. Let’s look at the use cases one by one.
(1): Using 啊 (a) for Exclamation
Adding 啊 (a) can have a similar effect as an exclamation mark in English.
对啊!(duì a) - You're right!
真好吃啊!(zhēn hǎo chī a) - It's so delicious!
(2): Using 啊 (a) for Surprise
When you want to express surprise, you can add 啊 (a) to make your reaction sound more genuine and natural.
Example: 真的啊? (zhēn de a?) - Really?
(3): Using 啊 (a) for Doubt
You can also use 啊 (a) to express that you're not entirely sure about the information and are seeking confirmation.
Example: 你确定啊? (nǐ què dìng a?) - Are you sure?
(4): Using 啊 (a) for Agreement
Sometimes, you might want to add 啊 (a) to emphasize that you agree with someone.
Example: 对啊,我也这么觉得。 (duì a, wǒ yě zhè me jué de.) - Yeah, I think so too.
(5): Using 啊 (a) for Urgency or Concern
啊 (a) can also impart a sense of urgency to a statement and make it sound like a command.
Examples: 小心啊! (xiǎo xīn a) - Be careful!
4. 呀 (ya)
The particle 呀 (ya) is used to express a sense of friendliness, to soften a statement, or to make a question sound more polite.
(1):  Using 呀 (ya) for Friendliness
When you want to express friendliness or create a more casual tone in a conversation, add 呀 (ya).
Example: 你好呀! (nǐ hǎo ya!) - Hi there!
(2): Using 呀 (ya) to Soften a Statement
呀 (ya) can make basically any statement sound softer.
Example: 这个好吃呀。 (zhè ge hǎo chī ya.) - This translates to "This is delicious," but the addition of 呀 (ya) makes the statement sound more casual and less assertive.
(3): Using 呀 (ya) to Make a Question Polite
Sometimes, you want to make a question more polite or less intrusive. In this case you can add 呀 (ya).
Example: 你叫什么名字呀? (nǐ jiào shén me míng zi ya?) - What's your name, please?