【Learn Chinese】Tips for Learning Chinese

A famous Chinese proverb says: 好事多磨 (hǎo shì duō mó). 好事 means good things, 多 means a lot, and 磨 means to grind, to rub. It comes to say that good things do not come without toil. Realizing your dreams involves much work, and that’s certainly true of Chinese fluency.
Learning a second language, any language, is a journey. A long journey. A journey without a finish line. An endless journey. And although it feels frustrating at times, it is actually pretty exciting. Because it is a journey of progress. You will celebrate significant milestones on the way, and you will enjoy your own development of the language. And you will still expect the next step.
Here are three tips for language learning:
让自己沉浸其中。(ràng zì jǐ chén jìn qí zhōng) - Immerse yourself in it.
Put the language in your ears, so you will soak in the pronunciation, the rhythm, the intonation. Put the language in your eyes, so you will soak in the style, the wording, the syntax. Put the language on your tongue, so you will soak in the character. If you can’t travel to the country that speaks the language (语言 yǔ yán), do your best to immerse yourself where you are: TV, movies, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, restaurants, music, classes, language exchange, art, etc.
抓住任何的机会去练习。(zhuā zhù rèn hé de jī huì qù liàn xí) - Take any opportunity you can to practice.
With a partner or alone, with a textbook or without, at a desk or by walking, any opportunity to practice is a good opportunity. Chinese music can help to practice Chinese characters: Write down song lyrics on a piece of paper when you are sitting in a bus stop while waiting for the bus to come. These random ten minutes in your schedule of concentrating on writing will do magic to your 汉字 (hàn zì, Chinese characters). You don’t need a clean desk, an expensive textbook, or a full day. All you need is your passion.
要找到适合你的就行。(yào zhǎodào shìhé nǐ de jiùxíng) - Find what suits you.
It takes time to figure out the best learning method for yourself. Along the way, through the journey of learning a foreign language (外语 wài yǔ), you will find your own way to make progress. Many share their ways of becoming Chinese fluent online, but you will stick to only what works for you. And even then, take it step by step. Remember – it’s a long journey, you’d better enjoy the way. 